“Don’t let the world around you squeeze you into its own mould, but let God re-mould your minds from within...”
Romans 12:2

Hilary's Desk

Challenge dechallenge rechallenge

Hilary Butler - Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Ever heard of something called “challenge”, “dechallenge” … “rechallenge” (CDR)? It goes like this. Give a person like me, antibiotics (challenge), and the body happens to go nuts. Big rash (urticaria). But as a doc you aren’t sure, so you stop the drug for a while (dechallenge), and then give it again (rechallenge). Result = Big rash, face and neck swells and I can't breath. The rechallenge pr...

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Part Seven Gardasil and the Harper

Hilary Butler - Saturday, January 09, 2010
In October 2009, Dr Diana Harper, the lead researcher in the development of both Gardasil and Cervarix, addressed a conference intended to promote vaccines . (Just in case it disappears, I've pdf'd it here.)  Instead, the data she presented, left the doctors in the audience, wondering why HPV vaccines were used in developed countries at all. Why did Dr Diana Harper, yet again, spill the beans?...

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Part Six Some more of the iceberg

Hilary Butler - Saturday, January 09, 2010
Jasmine is not alone. But her mother is the first who has decided to go public with all her information. The details of a second serious Gardasil reaction will be posted later this week. Beyond Conformity will also be detailing other cases in the future, if the others think it's worth it.  They will be watching carefully, to see what the reaction of politicians and the medical profession is to...

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Part Five Jasmine, the tip of the iceberg

Hilary Butler - Friday, January 08, 2010
What follows is a letter to Dr Stewart Jessamine which gives a overview of the issues as they stand today: Dear Dr Jessamine, I have been working with Rhonda Renata since October, regarding her daughter’s death following the Gardasil vaccination, and have permission to discuss her death, and for all information I have to be made public. This letter has been written with Rhonda, and all attach...

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Part Four Autopsy and Jasmine Renata

Hilary Butler - Tuesday, January 05, 2010
Rhonda’s focus turned to the question of “why did Gardasil do this and how?”. In reviewing Jasmine’s medical records and all the talks Rhonda and I had, I was most concerned at certain aspects of Jasmine’s last few months, in particular the deterioration of her ability to make decisions, and to work out how to do simple jobs which she had done since childhood. It seemed too me that apart from t...

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Part Three Carm and Jasmine Renata

Hilary Butler - Monday, January 04, 2010
In October 2009, Rhonda Renata emailed me about the death of her daughter Jasmine on 22nd September 2009. She had emailed John Key, Tony Ryall, and a few others and had got the usual fluff political responses from a dogma-ingrained system. From the time of Jasmine’s death, she had scoured the internet and found many cases of Gardasil recipients who had had similar stories to Jasmine. She wanted...

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Part 3 of 4 Offiteerers’ cognitive dissonance

Hilary Butler - Saturday, November 28, 2009
  If provaccine people saw that there were barking up the wrong tree, and acted on it, they would immediately be isolated from their peers as if they were some virulent plague. Their revered “experts” who are pretty much the only social group they have known for years, would all look at them, point the finger and shout, “TRAITOR”. The "turncoat" would lose all their friends (and income) in o...

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More taxpayer-funded Gardasil propaganda

Hilary Butler - Friday, September 05, 2008
I sit here looking at the latest Ministry of Health HE2013 taxpayer funded propaganda for the "Cervical cancer Vaccine", Gardasil.  It's a 21 board-page 'quick flipchart', which tells you nothing more than the two websites mentioned in the last blog. Being information for Health Professionals and young women (which makes you think that they are treating young women with as much respect as ...

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Gardasil lies, damned lies and more omissions

Hilary Butler - Tuesday, September 02, 2008
The e-mails and phone calls have finally stopped.  Thank you everyone.  If interpretations are true, the performance on TV last night, of teenage giggling and Nikki Turner's elation at the introduction of Gardasil in New Zealand was a very happy clappy occasion. Perhaps. However, I had already checked out the two new websites: one put together at Nikki Turner's request by non-questioning AUT st...

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NZ 2008 schedule - Marketing Multiple vaccines

Hilary Butler - Monday, August 11, 2008
Have you noticed a subtle shift away from defining a vaccine by initials which stand for the number of vaccine components being given in the one needle? When you see GARDASIL, do you mentally realise that GARDASIL stands for Quadrivalent HPV vaccine, i.e. four different viruses in one needle?  When you see the title PREVENAR, do you realise that that is seven vaccines in one? Have a good look ...

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Dr Offit versus Dr Poling

Hilary Butler - Saturday, August 09, 2008
In a previous blog, I mentioned the fact that in the interview with Kathryn Ryan, Dr Paul Offit dismissed Hannah Poling's autism following the administration of multiple vaccines as irrelevant. He did so, by the fallacy of authority, as in the insinuation of "I'm a vaccine expert, I've looked at the issues, and they are a load of rubbish". Yet again, he's been caught with his pants down. Hann...

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Medscape's replacement Gardasil magic wand

Hilary Butler - Friday, August 08, 2008
In a previous post,  I brought you medscapes 28 July commentary on Gardasil side effects, which didn't meet their "editorial requirements". Now, we can bring you the replacement version, which popped up today. Merck can now sleep easy. However, they do make some effort to include massaged controversy. After all, it would look too obvious if they didn't. And here's one bit that might give yo...

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